Articles Blog and Social Media Posts
Articles are a great way for building links back to your site. It works by submitting free article content to networks, who then in turn share your content with other webmasters so they can copy and paste it to their website.
With each article you submit you're allowed to provide an author biography. This is your chance to leave a strong call-to-action so anyone reading your article is included to check out your link (cloaked affiliate link).
For great long term results, you should write your own unique article content or hire someone on sites like Fiverr and Upwork to do it for you. To get started simply select an article below and submit it to one or several article directories.
How To Make More Money With Resell Rights On The Initial Sale
How To Overcome Saturation With Resell Rights Products – Rebranding
How To Overcome Saturation With Resell Rights Products – Rebranding
It doesn’t matter how many people are selling the same product as you. If the demand is there and consistent, there will always be enough sellers to cater to.
Let me give you an example. I got hold of a product typical resell rights product from a membership site which came complete with a sale page, download page, affiliate page, videos and graphics. I simply edited in my name and payment link into the sales page, bought a new domain name and uploaded it to my server.
Then I created a new ClickBank account and submitted it as a product vendor and waited for approval. It took about 2-3 days to get confirmation but once set up I was ready to take orders.
Doing this alone can be enough to start sending a trickle of orders because there are a few ClickBank shopping malls and ad scripts that echo the data from ClickBank’s RSS feed.
Another thing to note is that affiliates who are actively looking to promote products will find your listing in the marketplace and will ‘test’ out the profit potential of your product.
The next thing you should to note is that it’s now up to you where you source your traffic!
I’ve heard so many people complain that there’s too much competition! Competition is good. Competition means activity is happening. If there wasn’t any the product or market would be weak and wouldn’t be worth the time and effort.
How To Overcome Saturation With Resell Rights Products – Location Location Location
How To Overcome Saturation With Resell Rights Products – Location Location Location
It doesn’t matter how many people are selling the same product. As long as there is a demand, the product will sell. The real question is how are you going to promote your product and where will you source your traffic from?
You can simply submit the product to high-traffic affiliate merchants like ClickBank and allow affiliates to find your product. I’ve had several successful product launches by simply submitting resell rights products to affiliate merchants like these and letting the affiliates do all the work, but if you want to start selling your product yourself you will have to send traffic to your website.
You need to find an angle at which people will be able to find your site. Will it be on the download page of somebody else’s product, will it be from a forum, or will it be from an article?
If I was selling the same product as you it will not affect the sales of your product whatsoever. If you’re getting customers from forums, I could be getting customers from pay-per-click, if you’re getting customers from article directories, I could be getting them from my own mailing list, if you’re getting customers from the search engines, I could be getting it from social networks. I think you get the idea.
It all comes down to where you source your traffic. They are so many tools out there to help you get traffic and so many people who are willing to promote your site for a small price, but I’ve personally had a lot of success just submitting new products to ClickBank.
3 Ways To Make Your Resell Rights Products Better Than The Competition
3 Ways To Make Your Resell Rights Products Better Than The Competition
It often surprises me when people say that there’s no money to be made with resell rights products and that the information is old re-hashed and recycled. Whilst this is true in some cases, it does not mean you can’t make money with it. Some of my most successful products to date stem from resell rights than have been tweaked in the right areas to make it a long term income generator. If you happen to be one of those people who believe there is no money to be made with resell rights products or on the internet at all for that matter, then let me shed some light in your direction by giving you some very basic techniques I use to make my ‘off the shelf’ resell rights product different from every else’s.
1. Redo the graphics. Depending on your license this may be a grey area (read your license terms first). I will go out of my way to make the graphics better than the original. This alone can separate my product from the rest. I’m okay with Photoshop, but for those who aren’t I highly recommend you pay the extra buck to hire a pro.
2. Give out free samples in exchange for testimonials. Whether it’s an eBook or video course or piece of software I’ll go out of my way to get 5-10 testimonials of the product. I’ll also be asking for a picture and a URL from the person reviewing the product. This does three things: a) provides authentic content for your sales page and makes it longer which Google loves, b) builds confidence in your visitor, c) allows your reviewer to build his or her reputation by providing their own link. I even go out of my way to pay people to give a 2-3 page review of the product. That way not only do I have a testimonial I also have a mini-report which I can give prospects who didn’t buy the first time round!
3. Add more value to the offer! Just because you’re selling a product and the sales page doesn’t include an empty box for you to add bonuses doesn’t mean that you can’t add them in! In my experience the majority of resell rights licenses allow to you add bonuses and incentives to make the offer even sweeter. For example, if I’ve selling an eBook that came with master resell rights on how to optimize your sites for AdSense, my bonus could be for a set of AdSense templates, or perhaps a selection of graphic headers, or a ready-made AdSense website. Do whatever you can to compliment the original offer to make everything more enticing!
7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Resell Rights Sales Page
7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Resell Rights Sales Page
My first resell rights product had, let’s say, a sales page which had much left to be desired. It was really just a basic layout with a title, sub-title, and a rough explanation of the product. It hardly made me any sales – I was lucky I even received any but at the time I thought that what was given to me was the end all and be all of how to sell the product. Little did I know at the time is that you can modify and re-write and re-design the entire sales page to really increase your conversions!
Here’s a few things that I do to ensure high conversions..
1. Explain why they’re at your website and what the problem is.
2. Explain in detail how you’re going to fix it. If you’re selling an eBook, provide a synopsis of each chapter. If you’re selling a video, explain what each video will answer and provide a sample screenshot.
3. Include a money-back guarantee. Make it clear and create a separate graphic for it so that it stands out! Give a 30 day guarantee as a minimum. I’ve even provided a lifetime guarantee before. If your product is good, you’ll have nothing to hide and nothing to lose!
4. Include the range of credit card and PayPal logos below the buy now button.
5. Include a security logo below the credit card logos.
6. State that their purchase will be available immediately after payment.
7. Take a screenshot of the page they’ll see next. You can go a step further and provide a video of how to order.
Those are just some of the tweaks off the top of my head. There are a lot more but there’s more than enough for any beginner.
How To Make More Money With Your Resell Rights Products
How To Make More Money With Your Resell Rights Products
There’s more than one way to make money with resell rights products and if you put your mind to it, you’ll be able to profit from resell rights products from many angles.
Here’s what I do to increase the sales of ANY resell rights product I acuire.
1. Offer more. I make the main offer even sweeter by adding a complimentary bonus to the original offer. For example, if I was in the weight loss niche selling a piece of software that calculated your body mass index, my bonus could be a report on ‘The 10 Do’s And Don’t Of Dieting’.
2. Sign them up to my list. This can be done automatically with the request of a programmer or if you don’t have one at hand, I recommend you send you customer to a squeeze page so that they are forced to sign in. If you don’t like being so forceful, you can allow them to opt-in to your newsletter on the download page, or allow them to bypass this option with a link below the form that says, ‘No thanks, I’ll pass...’
3. Provide a one-time offer. After they’ve made their purchase, DON’T send them to the download page! Why not offer them another product? This is where I make my own one-time offer page which will contain an irresistible collection of all my dieting and exercise technique PDFs for one low price, collectively worth a lot more if bought separately. The trick here is to make it a real one-time offer and make it an absolute no-brainer for your customer.
4. Send them to the download page. This is where I provide the products they bought and recommend other products (as an affiliate) towards the bottom of the page which will compliment what they’ve already bought. This may not work all the time because some niches are not catered for so many products. Works best in popular niches such as weight loss, internet marketing, relationships etc.
5. Tell them to make money. Somewhere after the download links and before the extra recommendations I’ll provide a link saying that they can make money right away by promoting the product they’ve just bought. For this to work, everything should be set up through an affiliate merchant such as ClickBank or PayDotCom. Provide your customer-turned-affiliate with their affiliate link, tell them where to sign up and provide them with text ads, banners, graphics, articles.. basically with enough for them to take action. Depending on the niche you should explain how they will make money, who pays them and how often.
Those are just a few of my ideas for getting the ball rolling and brining in the sales. You can apply just one of these techniques and they will work, but I recommend applying all of them in time to get the most ‘punch’ out of your resell rights products.
Tip For Making More Money With Resell Rights Products With Your Own Affiliate Program
Tip For Making More Money With Resell Rights Products With Your Own Affiliate Program
Whenever you acquire a resell rights license to a product, one of the easiest things you can do to ensure a long-term income with it is by setting up an affiliate program.
But before you even waste your time doing this, you need to have your product up to scratch. Most products that come will resell rights come with crappy graphics and crappy sales copy and you stand no chance in hell getting a sale! So unless you’ve got a decent product at hand I wouldn’t bother!
Assuming that you have got hold of something that looks like it’ll sell you’ll want to ensure that you’ve provided articles, email signatures, email broadcasts, auto-responder messages, graphics and banners, ezine ads, PPC ads and the lot to arm your affiliates with as much as possible. The better your affiliates do, the more sales will occur and the more money you’ll make.
The next thing is setting your payout. Here’s where you’ll want to be generous. Don’t insult an affiliate with a 50% payout, especially if it’s a low priced product ($47 or less). For them it’s just not worth it and they’ll just look for a better deal elsewhere.
Offer at least 75% and, if you’re able to create your own affiliate program, offer 100%! I’ll tell you now that I’ve made a LOT of money giving 100% commissions with my products because affiliates LOVE promoting it and knowing they’re getting paid for their effort whilst I get to build my list and sell on the backend through my auto-responder.
Resell Rights vs. Master Resell Rights vs. Private Label Rights
Resell Rights vs. Master Resell Rights vs. Private Label Rights
Products with resell rights offer you to sell a product (usually) without modifications or slight modifications such as adding more to the sales page, adding your name and payment button etc. Generally you’re not allowed to modify the contents of the product or claim original rights or ownership. You can only sell the product to your customers for their own personal use. Your customers are not allowed to sell it and the transaction ends there.
Products with master resell rights offer the same limitations as a product with resell rights except you are allowed to give your customers to right to resell the product too. This gives the product more selling power but depends on the quality and presentation of the product to begin with.
Private label rights offer the highest level of rights and branding. You can put your name on it, reface the entire package, strip it down into articles, make an eCourse out of it and so on. The license will define your exact do’s and don’t but as a general rule of thumb, you can rebrand it, put your name on it and links inside to give you instant credit and traffic back to your site.
The biggest factor I always look into with resell rights products is the quality of the package. If you won’t buy it yourself even for personal use, then you’re going to have a hard time selling the product and will not be worth anything to you.
So next time you see someone offering any of the above licenses do some prodding and question whether or not you’ll buy it even if it just came with a user license!
Why Set Up A 100% Commission Program Even If You’re Selling Resell Rights?
Why Set Up A 100% Commission Program Even If You’re Selling Resell Rights?
It might seem silly, but a 100% commission affiliate program can be more profitable and potent than an affiliate program which offered 75% or less – even if you’re selling master resell rights to the product!.. And here’s why...
1. The affiliate doesn’t have to set anything up. Even if the affiliate knew that he or she could grab 100% of the commission buy selling it through PayPal on his or her account, they would still have to buy a new domain name and upload the new product to his or her site. Some, in fact most marketers would rather send out a custom link and make sure that they don’t have to put stress on their servers.
2. Reduced customer support. Affiliates benefit from little or no customer support and any questions, problems and refunds have to be handled by the product owner. For the product owner it may seem like a heavy burden but if you offer great value and ensure that any customer receives a back-up email of their purchase you can assure yourself a clean inbox!
3. It’s an active list builder. We’ve already established why a customer would rather be an affiliate rather than a reseller so when they send customers to your site, you have an opportunity to build a database of buyers. And building a list of buyers is a much more efficient way of working as oppose to building a list of freebie seekers!
4. Instant pay-out! Why wait when you can have it now? Where possible I pay my affiliates instantly so that they don’t have to wait weeks or even months for their commissions.
These are just some of the reasons why I provide a 100% affiliate program to several of my products. I use my own in-house affiliate program but you can quite easily set up an account with PayDotCom and set the payout to 100%!
The other thing to note is that all of this WILL NOT work unless you’ve got a decent product to sell. It doesn’t matter what the payout is, if your affiliates are not convinced that the product will sell, they simply will not promote! It’s that simple!
Resell Rights and List Building Fusion
Resell Rights and List Building Fusion
The nature of re-sellable products makes it attractive for any marketer which is why I think resell rights products will always be sought after and can be easier than affiliate marketing and more profitable when done right.
Here’s a simple 5-step formula I use to combine list building with the power of resell rights to get the most bang for the buck!
1. Build a squeeze page that offers 3-5 products with resell rights in different niches completely free. This is simply a page designer to opt-in to my Aweber form and get them on my list for later.
2. Set up 10 different niche products with resell rights with their own domain names. I either grab PLR to existing niche products, bring them up to scratch and sell them at ~$27 each or upload decent master resell rights products and set them up ready for re-selling.
3. Create an Email for each of the 10 niche products that notifies the subscriber that a ‘new’ offer is available and give them the link.
4. Send traffic to the squeeze page. The more people that see the squeeze page, the more that opt-in. The more that opt-in, the more are sent through my system of auto-responders which leads to more sales. I usually outsource the traffic generation with articles and social bookmarking but this can be easily done alone by hand if you’ve got a low budget.
5. Rinse and repeat. Let’s say you were getting 100 people to your squeeze page a day, 50 sign up, and then out of that 50, 10 buy just one of your master resell rights offers in the back-end. That’s still an excellent 10% conversion. Even then, you’ll be building your own list of ‘resell rights’ seekers who are actively looking for more products which they can resell themselves.
I hope that makes sense! I use this technique all the time and it works wonders. Whenever I see a product that comes with MRR/PLR I buy it without thinking twice and then announce it to my list. My investment always comes back many times over because of the amount of people on my list!
For this whole system to work, you need to make sure you’re selling decent products. People will not buy crap, and it’ll be foolish to say that they can ‘re-sell’ it themselves. If you wouldn’t buy it yourself then the product has no real value.
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