The truth about affiliate marketing…

If it’s done right, affiliate marketing can be a profitable business. The thing to remember, however, is that it does require some work on your part. You can’t just set up a site and do nothing. You have to promote your items. The more you do and the more effectively you do it, the more […]

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The TOP All Time Traffic Scams

If you ever wanted to be a hamster on a wheel then feel free to join one of the many traffic exchanges that exist online. What amazes me is that many people still love traffic exchanges despite the fact that very little of their traffic ever convert into anything of value. Exchanges look flashy and […]

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The REAL TRUTH About Gurus

Most marketers are lost in the fog of information overload. Because of this, they eventually are lured by a guru claiming to have all the answers to their marketing woes. The guru also promises you can make a fortune by just following their advice. Of course that advice comes with a hefty price tag. So […]

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