Wednesday 12th of March
From Al Amaro and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers
Are you paying outrageous amounts for traffic?...
Is the high cost of paid advertising reducing your profits?...
Are SEO strategies that USED to work doing very little for you?...
If so, I have good news – you don’t have to wait months or years to have cheap targeted traffic stampeding to your offers!
By now you’ve probably figured out the easy stuff in internet marketing. You may know how to pick a niche, build websites, shoot videos and do social media.
But there is still one thing nagging you... There is still one essential factor missing...
Everyone is continually teaching you on how to do all of the EASY stuff, but it’s rare to hear about how to get TRAFFIC?
You know...
How to get in front of people who REALLY WANT what you have!
You’ve got lots of websites... software... webinars... hangouts, but NO PROFITS TO SHOW FOR IT ALL.
Listen, I can relate, as that is EXACTLY where I was in my business a year ago. I knew how to do all of the right things. I knew how to create products, write articles, build squeeze pages, write emails, and build auto responders... But I didn’t have a clue as to how to get people to see what I was selling….
The truth is I had got sucked into all of the usual. Spending hundreds of dollars every month on traffic, paying out hundreds of dollars every month in lots of cool membership fees and software subscriptions...
But my Paypal account didn’t have a dime in it from what I sold.
However, I knew what I wanted:
- High traffic volume (lots of visits hourly)
- Traffic that was highly targeted (a specific demographic)
- Traffic that wanted my offers (those who had bought or were actively searching)
- Traffic that converted well (where every centspent went back into my pocket, plus more)
- Traffic that was low cost (Only paying cents per lead)
- And a traffic system that was simple to setup (It didn’t require a technical degree or coding)
But maybe like you, I just couldn’t find it.
And it was costing me a small fortune in the process.
But here’s what I discovered, you could say I kind of stumbled across this...
What if I told you there is a way to instantly increase your leads, sales and traffic to your business — traffic that matches your markets demographic precisely?
And that when you know what it is, how you can set it up in your own business, and tweak it… you can be getting traffic for as low as 2 cents per click?
Sound too good to be true? Well it isn’t...
You see, the difference between mediocre results and jaw-dropping leads and sales, is as simple as knowing what works and how to leverage it to your advantage.
Here’s what I mean...
After hearing that researchers have determined that next to Google itself, Facebook is the second most visited website by internet users around the world.
I knew I had to figure out how I could tap into that GOLDMINE.
Right then, I decided to learn (at great expense) everything there was to know about how Facebook ads worked:
- How to use them to get the LOWEST cost per click…
- When to use them to SQUEEZE the most from my advertising….
- And most importantly, how to get people around the world to see the stuff I was selling whether or not I was selling affiliate products or offerings of my own.
After much trial and error, I was able to distill down exactly what worked into a system that ANYONE can use to gain more leads, sales and growth in their business.
And I am ready to show you EXACTLY what I know…
So you don’t have to go through the PAIN of figuring it all out.
But before we go ahead, I want you to hear me on this…I’m NOT a guru
I’m NOT a copywriting genius
I’m NOT a technical whizz kid
I’m just someone who was determined to crack the code and come up with a method of getting the cheapest traffic from one of the biggest websites on the planet.
A method that could be used for multiple purposes:
- Sending traffic to affiliate offers
- Sending traffic to my own products
- Sending traffic to email sign-up pages
And I’m pleased to say, that I have honed, tested and created a proven system for tapping into the mass of highly targeted people who use Facebook around the world!
A system that takes you by the hand and guarantees that you pay the LOWEST click prices on FACEBOOK!
Believe me, it's a great feeling to KNOW that you can get traffic to WHATEVER you want and WHENEVER you want it. I decide when I want traffic now. I don’t have to wonder or worry about it!
Here's my promise to you…
In the next 21 videos, I'll take you baby step by baby step and show you exactly what you need to do to start making Facebook Ads work for you.
But you'll need to be willing to make sure to get out of your comfort zone and put this knowledge to work... Are you willing? Yes?
So let's dive into what you'll discover in these 21 video lessons…
Videos 1-10: The Process: Inside of the Facebook Ads Machine
I’m going to take all of the mystery out of using the Facebook Ad System. We’ll go through each check box and show you how take each step to create an effective ad. We’re not gonna leave any stone unturned. You’ll not only now WHAT the components are but you’ll know HOW to use them.
In this 4:37min video, you will learn…
- The benefits of Facebook Ads
- How you can utilize Facebook as keys to cheap effective targeted traffic
- How you can create Facebook ads and how you can reap benefits from them
- The way you should be looking at ads that fail
- Methods to tweak your ad campaigns and how you should be open to change
In this 4:01min video, what you will discover…
- How to set up your tracking system
- How to keep your focus completely on your ads
- How to utilize Prosper 202 Tracking System to your advantage and reap benefits out of it
- How to set up your own account and the ways to go about it
- How to set an account for yourself by taking a look at an example
In this 12:43min video, you will discover…
- What you should do before you begin running a Facebook ad campaign
- Why knowing your audience is important
- The inside mechanics of creating an ad
- The things that you need to bear in mind in particular
- About the people whom you should target and targeting options
In this 6:23min video, you’ll get an understanding about…
- Why it is critical to use images for your ad campaigns
- Using images to capture marketers' attention
- Term called "retargeting" by means of an example
- How you can make the images you choose benefit your ad campaign
- The different ways to make an image appealing
In this 5:34min video, we will be discussing…
- Why you should make your headline "explode"
- How a simple headline can do wonders for your Facebook Ad campaign
- Some examples of what is called as "exploding headlines"
- Headlines to use that grab the attention of the audience
- Things you should and should NOT say in your headlines
In this 4:27min video, we are going to be talking about…
- The 90 characters that you need to write for the body of your ad
- How you can make the audience read into your ad and not just walk away after seeing your headline
- Why it is important to be precise in the body of the ad
- Making people click on your ad using the 90 characters you are allowed
- Insights on how an ad gets accepted or rejected by Facebook algorithms
In this 12:23min video, we will learn about...
- What is the key to cheap clicks
- The upside and downside of targeting
- How you can target the interests of people looking at your ad campaigns
- Parameters that are critical to successful ad campaigns
- How you would be able to determine the interests of people whom you are targeting
In this 7:08min video, we will be talking about…
- How you can actually get your ads approved
- Basic things you need to understand about Facebook's terms of service
- Why understanding Facebook's policies and guidelines is critical
- The privacy policy of any landing page and why it is important
- Essential things that you should have on your landing page
In this 4:40min video, you’ll find out…
- The basics of a successful landing page
- How success of other people can help you to get going
- Why conversion is critical for your ads
- Things you should avoid so you can avoid getting banned
- How you avoid bad user experience and enhance buyers' overall experience
In this 5:14min video, we will discuss…
- How to figure out what you can do to enhance the clicks on your ads
- Why you should use multiple campaigns to figure out which one works best for you
- The reports you can utilize to improve click-throughs
- How you can tweak your ads visually to get more clicks
- Why you should run multiple ads and just keep the ones that are performing well for you
Videos 11-16: The People: Custom Audience Secrets
In these advanced videos I’ll show you one of the keys to success in creating Facebook Ads which is to handpick your audience. I’ll show you how to find your “perfect buyer” and put the exact thing in front of them to make them want to buy.
In this 7:25min video, we will discuss about...
- Why it is important to set up a relevant ad and a relevant landing page
- How you can gain high returns on your investment
- Importance of choosing the right kind of audience
- How you would be able to reduce the cost per click
- Why it is critical for your ad to be relevant to your product
In this 2:09min video, we will be talking about…
- Whom you should target to get cheap clicks
- Who your custom audiences are
- How you can use an email list in building custom audiences
- Using fan pages for building custom audiences
- Utilizing software to creating custom audiences
In this 3:31min video, we’ll be taking a look at…
- Custom audience and what you would need to get started
- An example on how to create an audience
- How you can customize your ad to reach a certain number of people
- Using the Optimization & Pricing area for your ad
- Where you would need to key in your bid
In this 9:45min advanced video, we will be looking at…
- Ways to find custom audiences
- How to go into Facebook and create different streams of people to become your custom audience
- Determining the people who would be interested in your offer
- If you would be able to create your custom audience with a software
- If you can utilize the groups that are already created on Facebook
In this 3:34min advanced video, we will be discussing…
- What you should be doing with your custom audiences
- Steps you should follow once you have found your audience
- How you can manually set up your custom audience
- Method to find the ID of a Facebook user
- How to use the Facebook user ID to create an audience
In this 4:30min video, we will be talking about…
- Uploading the audience file created in the audience section
- Why using Google Chrome is important
- Where exactly you should be starting
- Step by step instructions on how to actually create the audience by the upload method
- Few other things that you can do inside custom audiences
Videos 17-21: The Position: Getting People into High Converting Situations
In these videos, I’m going to help you get your audience in front of the content that will help you to keep them as customers. Imagine paying ONE time for the lead, but making money on them for years. How much will the few cents you spend on advertising be worth then?
In this 2:33min advanced video, we will discuss about…
- How you test a look alike audience
- Taking an existing campaign to your custom audience
- Testing and tweaking your campaign for your audience
- The importance of creating custom audience for lower click rates
- Why it is important to test your audience
In this 4:15min video, we are going to look at…
- How you can link email marketing to your ad campaign
- Why it is important to get that traffic since you have paid for it
- The importance of having an auto-responder
- Steps related to get started on email marketing
- How you can make your sign up more appealing
In this 4:22min video, we will learn…
- How to use a third party application to create an IFrame
- How you can use IFrame for affiliate offers
- Step by step instructions on where you can put your affiliate link
- How these affiliate links will help you divert the traffic
- How to publish your offer in the form of a tab on your Facebook fan page
In this 4:03min video, we will be taking a look at…
- Creating a tab to your Facebook fan page
- Reason behind using tabs on your fan page
- How tabs help to reduce the cost
- Why it is important to promote yourself and not get people distracted
- Some of the third party applications you could use to achieve all of the above
In this 3:24min video, we will show you…
- How to display videos on a tab
- How placing videos in a tab reduces cost
- Step by step instructions to include a video in a tab
- How you can use a YouTube channel name to include a video
- What is called a "featured video"
Click the play button below to watch a sample
video to help you get started!
All you’ll need is the right mindset to implementing them fully — once you learn how to spend money on traffic this way...you’re really BUYING FUTURE SALES.
Once you “get” that part and you commit to learning how to test and do it right, Facebook Ads could become your breakthrough process, to making massive profits online.
Follow my 21 step video formula to have the kind business that brings buying customers to your door step month after month. You've got nothing to lose but everything to gain.
Here’s just a sliver of what you’re going to discover:
- The truth behind Facebook advertising and how to get more sales, commission and leads while paying less
- The best way to track campaigns, a free tool to do it and how to set it all up
- You single most important reason for understanding your audience (the three questions you must know and ask)
- The five reputable sources for offers for any niche and proven ways to choose an offer that sells
- The ‘almost magic way’ to capture people’s attention with images
- The correct way to pique your audience’s interest with a killer headline
- The two most powerful words you should use in your headline that work and the one thing you should not include to avoid getting your ad being rejected
- 12 power words for your headlines to hypnotize people into action
- How to write 90 characters of body content that converts and the two elements that must be in your content and why
- The type of content that Facebook looks for that causes them to reject your ad and how to avoid it
- 10 power words for your content that create magnetic-like attraction to your offer
- 4 elements you must have on your landing page and clear examples of excellent landing pages
- How to squeeze the most out of your email marketing on Facebook so you can gain more leads faster and easier
- A detailed guide to custom audiences and why it can mean the difference between making money or taking a loss
- Simple and effective ways to find those interested in what you’re advertising
- The free online tool for building a custom audience list that saves you time
- Overlooked ways to use fan pages to construct custom audiences
- How to get an existing campaign in front of you custom audience without confusion, mistakes or paying too much
- The quick and simple trick to setting up an iFrame for your offers so you get the ad approved faster
- The easiest method to create a Facebook tab on your fan page for lowering advertising costs
- The #1 reason why you might want to send visitors to your videos and how it’s done
- Knowing the cheap Facebook advertising secrets that nobody told you about
- Knowing everything there is to know about creating high converting Facebook headlines, content and landing pages that Facebook loves
- Knowing the proven ways to tweak campaigns so you pay as little as 2 cents per click and your ROI is high
- Knowing the sneaky tactics to gain more leads, email subscribers and drive people to you offers without Facebook rejecting them
- Knowing the dirt cheap “low tech” ways of using custom audiences, Facebook pages, tabs and video to get the desired results you have always dreamed about from paid advertising
But here’s where it gets better!...
To remove all risk from you, please know that your purchase is backed by my...
I want you to be as confident as I am, and many of the business owners who have purchased this are. But just in case you have any lingering doubts whatsoever, I want to make it foolproof for you. You see, I completely guarantee your satisfaction. Not for 30 days. But for an entire 60 days!
Let me be more specific. Here’s my two-month guarantee...
I personally guarantee your satisfaction after you gain access to this course, right down to the very last day of the first two months!
Join today, listen to every recording, watch every video, go through all the steps and access all the material... right down to the very last day.
If at any time during those first two months you’re NOT completely convinced 2 Cents Facebook Clicks is worth the price of your order many times over, I want you to ask for your money back.
I’ll refund you the entire fee you paid during the first two months, on the spot.
Fair enough?
So act now and don't put this off any longer. Because to put it bluntly: you are not the only person reading this letter now. Your would-be competitors are too. And you know the problem with saturated competition? You just wished you'd act sooner.
Now that I proved to you my sincerity in helping you build a great business quickly, you'll understand that this is a limited time opportunity.
You need to take action today and see all the benefit that you can get from applyingthe “2 Cents Facebook Clicks" program today!
I won't ask you to spend a lot of money on that course either. No marketing gimmicks.
For a tiny investment of $17, you'll be able to get access to my entire 21 step video course.
That's it! Go ahead and click the "Order Now" button below to change your life for the better!
Yes Al! Give Me A Tsunami Of
FaceBook Traffic Right Now!
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YES Al! I understand that I will be getting access to '2 Cent Facebook Clicks' straight after payment. I want to know the secret to getting lightning fast traffic from a reliable source that I can start using in my business starting today! |
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YES Al! I understand that I will get instant access to all the videos immediately after payment. This is going to be such a smart investment for me and will take my business to the next level! |
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Remember: If you continue to pay for advertising the same way, you’re going to get the same results. What I’m offering you is the easiest, most-risk free way to try ‘2 cents Facebook Clicks’ so you can see for yourself how this system has been proven to help increase sales, commission and leads, and help you achieve the business you have always wanted, WITHOUT breaking the bank.
Don't let the fear of not knowing limit your ability to make a substantial living online hold you back! This product alone will help you get solid results faster than doing and figuring out all the fussy work by youself!
To Your Success! Al Amaro and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!
Al has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Al is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact al@easynetworkers.com for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.
Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.
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